Thursday, January 3, 2008

Needed Prayer For Phillip Harden

Brother Arnone and Giardino went to Victory Baptist Church for their Wed. night bible service. At the service it was brought to the attention of the church that a woman from Tennessee, Peggy Harden, was there praying for her son Phillip Harden. Phillip, an electrician whose work brought him to Rochester, NY was working in a bucket truck on high voltage services, was electrocuted with 19,000 volts of power. He was rushed to Strong Memorial Hospital where his right hand was burned off and his left hand severely burned. The power went through his body and he is now in a coma. His body has been damaged to the point that he may not survive. This man was not saved, and his Moms prayer was not only for recovery, but for an opportunity for him to awaken for a time to accept Jesus into his life before his passing. We prayed as a church before the service, and I ask that you pray for this man and his family during their time of trouble. Amen

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