Saturday, January 26, 2008

New TBS Fellowship Business Cards

We have just been blessed. GraceAnn Stulpin (Dave's wife) liked the business card idea but soon realized that the card stock used for the cards would not last long if someone carried it around in their wallet or pocket. It was put on her heart that the Lord should have nothing but the best, so she spruced up the look of the cards and added a background pictures to them and had them put on better card stock. In fact, she has ordered 2 different styles of cards. She expects the new cards will be available by Thursday 2/21/08.
We thank GraceAnn for the wonderful gift and the thoughts she has for our bible study.

Luke 8:15 But that on the good ground are they, which in an honest and good heart, having heard the word, keep it, and bring forth fruit with patience.


Anonymous said...

Thank you GraceAnn for caring about the Bible study, and for putting time into the business cards. This will make a difference.

Remembering without ceasing your work of faith, and labour of Love.... God Bless you!!

Anonymous said...

GOD Bless all of you Special men of GOD. Tonight I spoke with Curt, and he shared his prayer with me. So, keep this in your prayers and on your list- His prayer is to have 10 years or more to see his grandchildren succeed in their plans, and to have Rusty back in fellowship.

Anonymous said...

Cars are ready to pick up from Curt, ask for some at the next Bible Study. GBY

Anonymous said...

Cards are ready to pick up from Curt, ask for some at the next Bible Study. GBY No cars, just kidding.

Anonymous said...

I will be ordering cards with the NEW location this weekend. See David Stulpin, to get some for your wallets when they come in.

I added on the back-Started By Curt Lewis 1982, our mentor and brother in the Lord.