Saturday, January 26, 2008

New TBS Fellowship Business Cards

We have just been blessed. GraceAnn Stulpin (Dave's wife) liked the business card idea but soon realized that the card stock used for the cards would not last long if someone carried it around in their wallet or pocket. It was put on her heart that the Lord should have nothing but the best, so she spruced up the look of the cards and added a background pictures to them and had them put on better card stock. In fact, she has ordered 2 different styles of cards. She expects the new cards will be available by Thursday 2/21/08.
We thank GraceAnn for the wonderful gift and the thoughts she has for our bible study.

Luke 8:15 But that on the good ground are they, which in an honest and good heart, having heard the word, keep it, and bring forth fruit with patience.

Welcome Lester Cook and Paul Vindigni to the Bible Study

TBS Fellowship would like to welcome Lester Cook and Paul Vindigni to the bible study. Your presence is a blessing and we pray that we have opportunity to worship Jesus with you often.

Proverbs 1:5 A wise man will hear, and will increase learning; and a man of understanding shall attain unto wise counsels:

We also thank Doug Turner for the pizza he brought to the study. We see from the bible that food and meals are included many times when Jesus was teaching or preaching. So stay in the word and keep bringing snacks.

1 Titus 6:8 And having food and raiment let us be there with content.

I hope everyone like the the arrangement of the seating, we want everyone to see the speaker when we have a full house. If you have any ideas for the future when more people come, please let us know. In fact you can post your comments to each of the posts on this blog anytime.

Friday, January 18, 2008

New Member LAURIE FORD via TBS Blog

It has come to our attention that a new member has emerged through our new blog site. This new member logs on to the blog weekly to review our current events and updated prayer list as well as look at the pictures taken at the events. This new member has seen our brothers shared writings, as well as some of our bible study materials. Our new Member is Laurie Ford, though not a brother, she is a beloved sister and we welcome her to the study!
I also want to welcome her to send us any comments or writings that she may want to share with the brethren and we will post them on this blog. Laurie is has been battling MS and covets your prayers. We will continue to pray for her, and we hope she continues to enjoy this site.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

2007 TBS Fellowship Christmas Party Success!

Saturday January 12, 2007 we had our TBS Fellowship Christmas Party. We had some wonderful fellowship with all the brethren and their family. It was a time to meet family members of people that we have had fellowship for many years and some that have just started attending. We had plenty of food and desserts. Thanks to the Kolb family for inviting us into their home. Thanks to everyone who brought food, chairs, and any other party essentials. I have attached to this post pictures taken at the party, I hope you enjoy them.

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Needed Prayer For Phillip Harden

Brother Arnone and Giardino went to Victory Baptist Church for their Wed. night bible service. At the service it was brought to the attention of the church that a woman from Tennessee, Peggy Harden, was there praying for her son Phillip Harden. Phillip, an electrician whose work brought him to Rochester, NY was working in a bucket truck on high voltage services, was electrocuted with 19,000 volts of power. He was rushed to Strong Memorial Hospital where his right hand was burned off and his left hand severely burned. The power went through his body and he is now in a coma. His body has been damaged to the point that he may not survive. This man was not saved, and his Moms prayer was not only for recovery, but for an opportunity for him to awaken for a time to accept Jesus into his life before his passing. We prayed as a church before the service, and I ask that you pray for this man and his family during their time of trouble. Amen